About Drs. Hunter and West

David G. Hunter , MD, PhD
Dr. Hunter completed an EE degree from Rice University, a PhD in Cell Biology and MD from Baylor College of Medicine, an Ophthalmology Residency at Harvard's Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary, and a fellow in pediatric ophthalmology at the Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute, Johns Hopkins University. After 10 years on faculty at Johns Hopkins, he moved to Boston Children’s Hospital to become Ophthalmologist-in-Chief. During his tenure, Boston Children’s Department of Ophthalmology has grown to become the largest pediatric ophthalmology department in the US and perhaps in the world, with nearly 40 MD, OD, and PhD faculty currently on staff.
Dr. Hunter’s has an active strabismus surgery practice, specializing in complex strabismus in children and adults and in the use of Botox to treat some forms of strabismus. He is co-founder of Rebion, Inc., which has developed the blinq.TM a US FDA-approved device for automated, early detection of amblyopia and strabismus in children. Named by the Boston Globe as one of Massachusetts’ 12 Top Innovators, he has released two smartphone apps: BabySee an educational app (featured in Parents Magazine), and StrabisPIX a telemedicine app used by strabismus surgeons.
Dr. Hunter is a Gold Fellow of ARVO, a Senior Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and a Senior Honor Award recipient of both AAPOS and AAO.

Constance E. West, MD
Originally trained as a chemical engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. West worked as a consulting engineer after graduation but she discovered that she liked people better than her calculator and so she applied to medical school, graduating from the University of Massachusetts medical school as a as “Hewlett Packard Top Medical Graduate.” She then completed her ophthalmology residency at Washington University in St. Louis, where she discovered her niche working with children and loved the quantitative nature of strabismus surgery. She applied for fellowship and matched with Drs. David Guyton and Michael Repka at the Wilmer Eye Institute.
After completing her fellowship, Dr. West spent a busy year in Maine as the only pediatric ophthalmologist in the state. She then spent 2 years in South Carolina before joining CCHMC in 1994. Just 5 years later, after an extensive national search, she was named Director of the Division of Pediatric Ophthalmology, and over the next decade she grew the division from one ophthalmologist to eight ophthalmologists, three optometrists, and five PhD research faculty. By the time she retired as Director, she had trained 13 fellows and her faculty had produced more than 160 peer-reviewed publications, including 55 of her own articles, chapters, and books.
Dr. West is an internationally recognized teacher of ophthalmic optics, having guided countless residents and fellows here at home and around the world.